Take a Look Around...

Monday, June 10, 2013


I never really think about consequences when I make the choices that I make. When I say something or tweet something or post it on Facebook, I never think of what could come out of it. I guess I just like to think that nothing serious can come out of a random tweet or a post that doesn't mean much to most of the world. I've recently learned that everything we do has a consequence, whether it is good or bad. Since I've always been outgoing and bubbly, I do things spontaneously and in a "spur of the moment" manner. As I get older, though, I realize that things can't work that way. I need to be cautious of what I say and do. In the real world, when I'm looking for a job and trying to get started in my career all of the choices that I have made thus far will have had an impact on whether or not I get the job that I want.

My new goal is to be mindful of what I say, tweet, post, etc and think about my future. As "in the moment" as I may strive to be, it is also important to focus on what my life will consist of in a matter of years and whether or not my choices up until then will help me or hurt me.