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Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Unexpected

I doubt anyone ever imagined that Boston would be bombed during the annual marathon. I doubt anyone ever thought that our city could face such a horrific event, so out of the blue. It's crazy how unexpected things happen and it can shake an entire city. The craziest part about it is that it takes situations such as those, to bring such a city together. That day on instagram, twitter and facebook all I saw were posts saying "Boston Strong" and "Pray for Boston." As much as I appreciated all of those posts and as many as I posted myself, I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed that it took an event so unexpected and so awful to bring people together.

I hope that Boston stays "Boston Strong" and I hope that we all continue to pray for our city because people are killed every day. Maybe not by a bomb, but the streets of Boston are covered with bloodshed from a gun, knife or even the hands of another man/woman. We take these things way too lightly. We all come together when a tragedy happens but make it seem like all of the deaths that happened last summer and this past year are irrelevant. I've always heard that we have to embrace the unexpected but...how do we embrace such an event as this one? How do we keep the unity and truly realize the importance of prayer and strength within the community? These are questions that are left unanswered, but the reality is that things like this are going to happen regardless of whether or not we expect them. Lets stay united and together so that we can DO something about it, rather than simply sit back and watch.