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Friday, March 15, 2013

It's all about Y O U

I've had an epiphany these last few days. After volunteering in a nursing home for a little while, as I posted before, my eyes were opened to so much about the life that I'm living. One thing that really stuck out to me was that for so long my attitude towards life and my struggles was completely messed up. I would look at struggles and hardships in a negative light ALL THE TIME. Of course, when we go through things, its in our nature to look at them negatively, but lately I've been trying to have a new attitude about these kinds of things. I've been trying to realize that the struggles that I go through and hardships that I endure will only help me in the long run. Yes, they may hurt and yes, they may stress me out sometimes but in the end I'm going to be so glad that I went through the things that I went through.

Don't get me wrong, it sucks having to struggle so much in life. It sucks that we have to lose people and fail at things we want to do and be stuck in certain situations but the only way we will really get through it is by changing the way we look at it. Take those hard times and use them as lessons. When people talk badly about you or judge you, laugh at it and walk away. There's no point in stressing things that will have no importance in your life in a year or 2. Sometimes we take life too seriously. One thing that I've learned is that life is too precious and fragile to waste it by worrying about things that are out of our control.

So, with that said: life live to its full potential. Laugh more than you've ever laughed before, do things that are out of the ordinary, step out of your comfort zone, allow yourself to have fun, and rock with everything that comes your way. Trust me, it's going to be hard but with a good group of friends, family and most importantly, God..anything is possible.