Take a Look Around...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Can people, society or structures change? 

Personally, I'd like to think that there is always room for change with enough effort put forth. I believe that if a person realizes that they have a specific weakness and feel that it is necessary to work on it and change for the better, it is completely possible. Of course, it takes a lot of time and work, but it is definitely possible. When it comes to society, I don't think it is possible for a complete change. One of the main reasons being that not everyone believes change is necessary. Although some people in society may think that they should change or that society itself needs to change, that does not mean that everyone will come together collectively and work together to make a change happen. Being an optimist, I like to think that it is always possible for things to work for the best. I like to focus on the positives rather than the negatives, so although some may think that change is always changing..I like to think that there is always a possibility for progress.


  1. I definitely agree with what you said about us not being able to change people ourselves, Sammie. So many times we try to take it upon ourselves to change someone when in reality we don't know enough about them or even have the power or authority to do something so big as to change someone.

  2. Honestly, I believe that any and everything can change given the right stimulus. Nothing has to stay the same. Granted somethings may take longer to change or may be harder to change compared to other things, but everything can change. People change everyday. Some people go through life changing experiences that make them change, some people here a powerful message, phrase, saying, scripture..., that make them change, some people change and don't even realize that they have. It is all influenced by the different lives we lead, the different things we go through,the different ways we feel about things, and time that's allotted. Think about it... Are you the same person you were 5 years ago? As for societies and structures, well those may take a lot more effort to change but it can happen. A new president/powerful leader can change society and structures, a demonstration/protest/movement (ciil rights,womens, LGBT...) can change society and structures. Everything is subject to change no matter how big or small.

  3. Christina Saint-PierreJun 14, 2013, 10:06:00 PM

    "Can people, society or structures change?"
    My answer is No....
    As long as there is blood running through our veins, and air in our lungs, there can never be change, only good or bad alterations. We are human and we can only be and do as much as we allow ourselves to. Though some may say yes there can be change, there will always be that one rotten apple, because we are human and we sin and doing wrong is in our souls. I mean the whole point of change in people,society, or culture is to make something better right?
    As Tupac has said once: "Question: when will there be world peace? Answer: When the world falls to pieces"
    Meaning when revaluations happen and Jesus comes back, that is when real change will ever occur... yes we have a black president, yes women can vote, and yes gay can marry in some parts of the world, though this is seen as change, I see all these things in the world only as mere alterations. There can never be Change because there will always be a problem that comes with every solution we think we find in this world.
    So change? no. Only alterations, but we as humans have the power to either make these alterations good or bad to a problem we have :)


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