Take a Look Around...

Monday, March 4, 2013


As a social work major, I'm faced with different groups of people and different situations all the time. Recently, I've had to embark on the journey of learning about the elderly. I've been volunteering at a Nursing home and it's been life changing. It sounds cliche and corny but it's crazy what experiences like that can do to you.

Lately I've been in such a slump. I've been struggling with who I am, who my friends are, what God has for me and even with who God is. I've found myself more and more stressed out and feeling like the world is on my shoulders. After spending time with these people I've realized that life is far too precious to be spent worrying about things that will have no importance in my life in a year or two. I focus on friendships and relationships and even arguments over social media. Why? Because I lost sight of how fragile life really is.

A woman today told me to "live life like aging didn't exist." Now, don't misunderstand the phrase. in this case, aging and maturing are NOT synonymous. I've opened my eyes and realized that life is too short to even place a small amount of importance on the stupid stuff. No longer will I stress about friends; the ones I need and the ones who are real will be there. No lover will I worry about finding a boyfriend; God has my perfect man in His hands right now. No longer will I lose sleep over exams and papers; as long as I prioritize my time and try my best I WILL succeed.

I know I'll face trials and have times where I want to give up, but the important thing is that I won't give up. I'm going to hold on and fight for what I know is important, and that's life. I'm going to live like I only have a few days left and I'm going to be the best person I can be. Follow me in my journey if you'd like, if not, watch me as I go.