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Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's about that time

Along with the new year comes new responsibility. Not the cliche "new year, new me" responsibilities, but literally responsibilities that come with growing up. Not only do we grow in maturity throughout the year but there will be obstacles that come to us when we least expect them and as maturing adults, we have to know and learn how to handle them. If there's anything that I learned in 2012 it was to embrace the people that are close to me and to learn to do whatever I can to make sure that those people stay where they are. Of course, friendships fade and people wander off in different directions then you might have hoped but in the end life goes on & in that life you have to appreciate those who haven't left you.
I used to think that those people who were supposed to be in my life would automatically be there, but in reality it takes work to keep relationships. Big shocker, right? It may sound naive of me, but this year really showed me the importance of communication in friendships and relationships of any kind. Along with honesty, trust, openness and loyalty, communication is key to keeping a relationship where it needs to me and making sure that it grows to its full potential. It seems easy but its definitely difficult for some of us. So, take my advice: communicate with those you love. Show them that you care and reach out to them. Make it a point to do something nice and make sure they always know how much you care and appreciate them. If at some point they decide to take a different path than you, at least you know that you tried. Life is extremely short and taking people for granted is definitely something we will regret if something is to ever happen to someone close to you.
Happy New Year, y'all. Make it count. ♥