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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wants vs. Needs

We all have those things that we want so badly. Whether it's a new phone, new clothes, a new image, to lose weight, a relationship, etc. We want these things because we feel like they're going to benefit us somehow, right? A new phone will run faster, provide more use and thus make our lives easier. New clothes will make us look better, make us feel more comfortable with ourselves and bring our soulmate to us. A new image or weight loss will make us into a model and everyone will envy us for what we look like. A relationship will make us feel like we're not alone and provide us with a sense of comfort and security. The list goes on and on.
Lately, all I've wanted is that special someone to come and sweep me off my feet. I've wanted for my perfect man to come waltzing into my life and prove to me why it didn't work with anyone else. I've come to realize that at this point in my life, all of the sappy, lovey dovey stuff isn't what I NEED. What I need is to make sure that my life is in order, that my education is my main priority, that my family and I have an amazing relationship and that I'm content with myself. See, what I've learned is that I can't be content with a man if I can't be content and happy with myself. How am I gonna let someone else walk into my life and love me if I can't love myself? Not only that, but how am I going to know what being in love is if i'm not first in love with my creator? my GOD?
It's crazy to think, but anything I could ever want in a man is found in my Father in heaven. You know how some girls say that they want their future husbands to be like their father? Well, think about it. Our God almighty has every quality we could ever need and we sit here wanting for an earthly man to sweep us off our feet. It might sound unreasonable, but think about it. It makes sense, I promise.

Now, think about those things you think you NEED. Are they necessary? Will they build you up in any way? If they will, maybe you do need them, but if they don't they're not much more than a desire that won't make or break us. Just think about it :)