Take a Look Around...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It was then He carried me.

I've posted about the "Footprints in the Sand" poem before, but it's speaking into my life so much lately. So many times I feel like I'm alone on this journey we call life but in reality my God is walking right next to me. Sometimes I feel alone and look at Him with the craziest look like "HELLO, GOD WHERE ARE YOU!?" and I feel like He just left me to fend for myself, but that's SO far from the truth. Situations are going to come into my life that are going to shake me and make me trust in God and no one else. When those situations come is when I have to realize that the ONLY one who can truly handle it is God himself. I'm not strong enough unless I rely on Him. So, if your faith is being tested and you feel like you're alone, remember that God is with us every step of the way, sometimes carrying us and taking us to our destination in His will. Everything is going to be ok.