Take a Look Around...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


A lot of times, we forget how important it is to take time to yourself and really reflect on your life and how you're living it. We get so consumed by our jobs or our school or our family or even our hobbies and forget to look at character and what we may need to change. Since bringing in the new year, I've realized a lot of things about myself that I never realized before. I realized that sometimes I need to take a break from all the social networks that I spend so much time on and all of the drama that they bring, and focus on myself. I realized that I need to remember WHO I'm living for and whether I'm really doing everything that I can to live my life in a way that's, not only pleasing to God, but in a way that I'm happy with as well. There are people who I've taken out of my life and people that I've added into my life, all for the better. There are things that I've stopped doing and things that I've added into my daily routine, because I know that in the long run, my life will be better and I'll be happier with myself. I've stopped worrying about who I'm pleasing and who I'm upsetting, because I know that if I'm living my life in a way that is pleasing to God and myself, that's all that matters. I've cherished the moments spent with my family, because life's too short to take anyone for granted. Most importantly, though, I've learned to truly love myself. I've learned to love my image, my personality, and my character because I've been made this way for a reason, and no one's opinions will change that. A lot of times, people say "New Year=New Me", but this year, i'm going to be the same me, with a few improvements here and there. This year is going to be a year of finding who my true friends are and not worrying about those who strive to see me down, and this year is going to be a year of focusing on what I need to do, rather than who I need to please. Life's way too short to be anything but happy and joyful with yourself, so take time and realize what you need to do to truly be happy with who you are.