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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Appreciate, Love & Have Courage

I recently watched this movie, Courageous, and it touched my life in so many ways. Usually when I watch movies I think about them for a little bit, but usually they don't have such a big impact on me. This one was so different. It showed me that we need to appreciate everyone that we have in our lives because tomorrow is not promised for anyone. It's sad that it took a movie and a whole bunch of tears throughout that movie to show me how important it is to appreciate who we have, but nevertheless, it did it's job. I realized that we no matter how we may feel about a person or what our pride may tell us to do, we need to LOVE one another regardless of the circumstances that we are in. A lot of times, I think that if I'm mad at someone or if i'm in confrontation with someone, THEY should be the ones apologizing to me because THEY are the one's who messed up, but in reality it doesn't matter who did what, all that matters is that the situation is over with. In the movie, one of the guys was saying that he hoped his "goods outweighed his bads" so that he wouldn't have to face one of his biggest mistakes in his life. If I know that I need to fix a situation I always think that all of the good things I do for God and for my church will outweigh that one situation that may be not-so-good, but I'm wrong. So, so wrong. It's written in God's word that He is going to be a good judge to us the day that we stand before Him and speak to him face-to-face. Think about this: Think of the person closest to you. Now, imagine them being murdered in a parking lot, in the most horrific way possible. God forbid, it happens, but just think about it. Now, think about the person who murdered that person so close to you and the judge that they face. Would you want that judge to say "well, even though you murdered this innocent person for no reason, you've done a lot of good in your life, so I'll let you go" ? NO. No one would want that to happen, and in the same way, God isn't going to judge us for the "good" that we think we've done. Basically, we need to appreciate all of those around us and continuously tell them that we love them and appreciate them. Sometime's it's just what they need to hear. & we need to have the courage to step up and be the bigger person in situations and do what we think is right, no matter what our pride or society may say, because in the end we're facing the best judge there is, and that's that.