Take a Look Around...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Letter #9

Let me start off by saying that I'll pray for you. Lmao jk jk. I really want to say thank you. Thank you for opening up to me and actually trusting me. It means a lot to me that you believe in me because sometimes it feels like not many people do, even though I know thats not true. I know at times I probably get annoying with the advice I give you but I promise that one day you'll look back and thank me for it all. You have so much in store for you and I really hope that you take advantage of it. I cant lie, sometimes your sarcasm and attitude gets to me, but I've learned to ignore it because that's how you deal with things. It's not the best way, obviously, but I still love you. I hope you realize that I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to believe me but it's true. Yes, I'm moving in to a new stage of my life but I'm not changing. I'll change my hair and hopefully lose some pounds but that's it I promise ! stay beautiful and stay genuine. Don't let anyone influence you to be otherwise because you're great the way you are. I love you, hermanita.