Take a Look Around...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Today, a good friend of mine opened my eyes to the fact that many times we don't appreciate the things that we are given in life. When I say things, I not only mean material things, but certain abilities that other people don't have because of illnesses or certain disabilities that prevent them from walking, talking or even breathing correctly. On twitter the other day, I saw someone's tweet and it said "my car broke down, today is the last episode of my favorite show and my boyfriend is in college #worstdayever." Now, to any normal person, that seems like a pretty rough day, right? For some people in the world, that day would be paradise. The fact that they even had the opportunity to drive and own a car and the fact that they had enough money to own a television and that they had someone to call their "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" would be heaven to someone else.
It's crazy how society itself forgets everything that we have. There are some people living with disabilities that prevent them from living a normal life, and here we are, complaining about minuscule things that have no importance or relevance to anything. We'll stress about an exam or about new shoes that we can't afford when there are people who would give anything to go to a school in general or have a pair of shoes.
So, before we complain about how horrible we think life is, lets take a step back and realize how truly blessed we really are. When we wake up, lets thank God that He allowed us to see another day and enjoy that day as if it were our last. Appreciation goes a long way, my friends.